
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harry Potter and the Unrelenting Fan

In four weeks I conquered it – the Harry Potter series. Quite a feat, I say. Definitely no world record, but a record for me, nonetheless. And all I can say at the end of it….. W.O.W. What a fantastical world J.K. Rowling has conjured up for herself and the muggle world: wizards and witches, parsletongue, spells and incantations, goblins, giants, werewolves, Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, horcruxes, Death Eaters, invisibility cloaks – I will be forever infatuated and forever indebted to this piece of literary greatness. I can only imagine she is the J.R.R. Tolkien of this millennium, creating an equally fantastical world to Middle Earth of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I have been eating, dreaming, breathing, pissing Harry Potter for the last month. In the transition between sleep and wake I’ve literally had to convince myself that the wizarding world was not real, and I was not in it, and Harry’s problems were not my own. So engulfed and entrenched I became, it’s ridiculous, this thing we call the mind!

True they may technically be children’s books, but Rowling’s vivid, intricate descriptions of everything from the world she created, to feelings, thoughts, and moments was nothing short of brilliant. She has a true knack for putting pen to paper and I am utterly inspired. I hope I have taken a few tips from her and can translate that into my own writing.

As for now, I haven't been unable to fully let go of the books. I am not yet ready to live my own life again, so continue to intrude upon Harry's. As such, I have committed to re-reading the 7th book in hopes that after I finish, the time between then and the movie release will go quickly and painlessly. 

Up next in my queue: Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Salty Fries and Ivie's Underwear

Labor Day: A national holiday observed to give respect and celebrate the toils and turmoil of the working class. A holiday of significant economic and civil value in the United States. And what better way is there to celebrate the toils and turmoil of the daily grind than to throw Cherish a surprise Bachelorette party!

And throw we did! The weekend was filled with everything but sleep: from fantastic out-of-town and local friends to mimosas and bacardi to floppy hats and dresses at the Del Mar Races to a beautiful dinner amid the En Fuego flower vines to bar hopping and dancing our cute “single” butts off! The look on Cherish’s face when she learned of all of her surprises was nothing short of ultimate enthrallment. To do this – to send our beloved friend off with this much love and excitement – is illuminating. I am so grateful to have been privy to these experiences and emotions. So much love for this girl I have.

Before I move on, special hats off to the ever-endearing Ivie Gail Hanakawa for putting on, yet another, amazingly fabulous bachelorette party. The world, and myself, are nothing without you, my dear.

Weddings and weddings and weddings! It’s that time in our lives when this generation of folk are starting to tie the knot or make other significant steps toward “grownup-hood.” These new beginnings are so pervasive. And even more pervasive is the response to this type of change – this alluring fiction of having to be what you think you should be by that certain age. I guess this post, in addition to being a tribute to Cherish (and Ivie’s awesome party-planning skills), is a testament to timelines, schedules, plans… and the ability to let go of them.

Cherish is the busiest, most productive and efficient person I know. She is involved in so many activities, including language and dance classes, caring for her adorable nieces, being in the Big Sister program, working, wedding planning, and so on! Yet with all this, somehow we managed to steal her time for a couple of days. And she - this fantastic, confident, always beautifully composed, always-in-command woman - without knowing what was in store this weekend, just rolled with the punches we threw at her, with such ease and grace. She enjoyed herself maximally without knowing or needing to know what was coming up next.

That is an admirable trait.

Lately I’ve been stuck on the life timeline, or rather, the disappointment of having to deviate, yet again, from my plan on how I’d like my life to play out over the next few years. But wait I must until certain factors fall into place. It’s frustrating, this continual delaying of being able to pursue what I want. And it's discouraging to watch my dreams inch backwards, making me feel like its all slipping further and further out of grasp.

But I am trying to learn to let it go; to convince myself that life, with that sneaky little glint in its eye, indeed has a funny way of working itself out. It will all work out. So, surely, I should mimic Cherish and roll with the punches and just enjoy this time maximally. Because all there is.... is now.

And so, a toast, to Cherish and the Plan of Life: may you pursue your course with no pressure, and may any deviations make you stronger and happier. May your years be filled with flexibility, love, excitement, and delight. You deserve everything this world has to offer you. Cheers!