
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Cleaning

Now that John and I have recovered from Cherish and Rodge's wedding cruise (congrats again you fantastic couple!) we have taken to reorganizing, cleaning, and assessing all that clutter we've crammed to the back of our closets and minds.

Yesterday we rearranged our outdoor storage room and shed, the under-the-staircase area, and cleaned out old files from our office filing cabinet, consolidated boxes, fixed the downstairs A/C, and put up our new dart board. We also put quite a few items for sale on craigslist and eBay! Not a bad day at all - frankly, it was the most productive day I've had since the Bar exam.

And today the efforts continue: we are finally steam-cleaning our filthy, dirt-riddled carpet, and it's certainly starting to look much better. (And by "we" I mean John... although he periodically yells out "hairball!" and I get to go collect the nasty little clump of hair that has formed from my years of shedding (further digression - we need a new vacuum)).

Watching the clear water spritz onto the carpet and reenter the steam-cleaning chamber as dark, black muck makes me wish it was scrubbing more than the carpet. It's incredible what a measly 2 years can do to carpet... just imagine what 27 can do to the soul.

Hopefully these few days of progressions (finally got a smartphone!) and cleansing will strip more than the old and dirty and will remove the taint of lethargy and cynicism that has so accompanied my attitude and thoughts in my post-Bar existence. I'm feeling moved to action - to try and write my book, finish some legal contract work, and start any new projects that are mulling around in my noggin. I just hope it sticks.

Here's to motivation and starting fresh.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I agree fall is such a great time to begin new things. Better, for me, than spring even! Hooray to cleaning away the Bar.
