[Writing has been frustrating for me because I'm not as quick with the words or creativity as I used to be..... I'm not finding inspiration as quickly as I once did. But still I try, and try I must if I want to develop, improve, create. So here is my latest effort. I don't think I like it - but it's all part of the process, right?]
Floating. Fumbling. Bumbling. Breaking. Down. Into the complexity of a tangled mind. Tangled with thoughts, rules, principles. Tethered with hopes, wishes. Ephemeral blinks of consciousness. Conscious of a yearning flickering in the dimmer night. Dimmer but gleaning from a nuisance spiraling spinning. Whisking by with fervor of the moment. Fervor. Stemming from a simple memory of summer. A simple delighting in warmth and breeze. Breezing through time. Stumbling. Falling. Flailing……. With the acknowledgment….. it is all elusive. Marching. Forward. Onward. Significantly into the mired moment. Mired…. but only for a little bit longer.
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